EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/


Orihiro Lutein (for 30 days)


The preparation with lutein Orihiro Lutein ensures eye health and helps to maintain visual acuity for a long time, restore damaged cornea and reliably protect against negative external factors, improve metabolism. The tool helps prevent degenerative processes that occur with age, maintains healthy eyes under conditions of increased stress and with constant work with a computer. Lutein is one of the main components of the retina; it provides the quality of perception of visual information. The drug is also a powerful antioxidant, it slows down the aging process, minimizes the risk of developing not only eye diseases, but also cancer. The product improves blood microcirculation, provides protection against harmful ultraviolet radiation, and strengthens immune functions.В 1 tablet a day.


  EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/


Data sheet

Weight /kg