EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/

Disclaimer for products for oral use or use in humans:

Products on this website intended for human oral consumption or direct use in the body are, as appropriate, classified as food or cosmetic products. Therefore, none of the products in this document are considered drugs, medicines, or any category requiring a special license or prescription in Japan. As a result, all of our products are freely available in the Japanese market as food, nutritional supplements or cosmetics, not only in health stores, but also in regular supermarkets or convenience stores. The information describing such Products is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a licensed healthcare professional or physician with whom you should always consult. None of our products are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Please lead a balanced lifestyle, diet and exercise for your overall health and wellness. the information provided here has not been evaluated and / or approved in any form by the Japanese Ministry of Health, the FDA and / or any similar body in Japan or elsewhere.

Disclaimer for products for everyday consumption:

Please understand that these are generally fast moving items and therefore stock fluctuates daily (and sometimes as long as one day). Therefore, by using this website, you understand that the availability of goods is subject to change without notice. We will not charge you for items that are out of stock, and in the event that you are invoiced for those items, we will refund your payment in accordance with our return policy.