EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/


Orihiro Brown Rice Vinegar (for 54 days)


Dietary supplement from ORIHIRO is a source of a huge amount of amino acids that the human body needs every day. Under their action, the nervous system normalizes, and the functions of the brain improve. Due to increased blood circulation, an increased supply of oxygen to the cells is observed, and the elimination of increased fatigue is noted. Also, amino acids regulate metabolic processes in the body, therefore, when using Brown Rice Vinegar, there is an effective decrease in body weight, normalization of the condition of the skin - they acquire tone and elasticity.

  • Increases blood circulation;
  • Effectively stimulates metabolism;
  • Regulates blood sugar levels;
  • Regulates blood pressure;
  • Reduces cholesterol;
  • Stimulates the hormonal background of the adrenal cortex;
  • Stimulates the immune system;
  • Kills various types of fungi, bacteria, viruses in the human body (prevention of influenza);
  • Stimulates bowel function and relieves constipation;
  • Assists in the absorption of calcium;
  • Stimulates fat burning (helps fight obesity)
  • Powerful antioxidant;
  • Relieves fatigue;
  • Strengthens the health of the heart, brain, liver;
  • Eases menopausal symptoms.

  EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/

Japanese dietary supplement Brown rice vinegar from the manufacturer ORIHIRO is developed according to a special formula, which involves the use of exclusively natural ingredients. In production, ancient recipes are used, due to its natural composition, the drug is also called a "green product".
The preparation Brown rice vinegar, developed on the basis of natural ingredients, is rich in essential amino acids that regulate the processes of life in the human body. The supplement includes the following amino acids:

  • tyrosine - participates in the structure of muscle protein, normalizes the emotional background and the work of the central nervous system, ensures the normalization of metabolic processes;
  • arginine - produces and transports nitric oxide, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, enhances the transmission of nerve impulses, stimulates blood circulation, increases collagen production, which in turn affects skin tone and elasticity of cartilage tissue;
  • lysine - strengthens the immune system, increases efficiency, fights depressive conditions;
  • phenylalanine - stimulates the production of hormones, in particular endorphins - hormones of happiness, ensures the transmission of nerve impulses, has an antidepressant effect;
  • leucine - stimulates the growth and restoration of muscle fibers, lowers the level of glucose and harmful cholesterol in the blood, has a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • isoleucine - a source of energy for muscle tissue and the brain, helps to strengthen the immune defense, stimulates the production of hemoglobin;
  • alanine - stimulates the growth of muscle mass, reduces fatigue, increases endurance, the ability to memorize and concentrate, increases the speed of behavioral reactions, removes ammonia compounds from the body;
  • valine - a source of energy for muscles, normalizes the endocrine and nervous systems, prevents a decrease in the level of serotonin in the blood;
  • methionine - ensures correct lipid metabolism, removes cholesterol and prevents its accumulation in the liver and blood vessels, has an antitoxic effect, activates vitamins, enzymes, hormones, stimulates collagen production.

The daily dosage is no more than 4 capsules. The package contains 216 capsules. The product is well tolerated, no adverse reactions were observed when using the supplement. Use Japanese vitamins with caution if you are allergic to the ingredients in the composition.
Brown Rice Vinegar is not a drug. Before starting the course of use, consult your doctor.
Ingredients: arginine - 44 mg, lysine - 21 mg, histidine - 5 mg, phenylalanine -12 mg, tyrosine - 3 mg, leucine -18 mg, isoleucine - 8 mg, methionine - 5 mg, valine -16 mg, alanine - 55 mg, glycine -135 mg, proline - 78 mg, glutamate - 67 mg, serine 20 mg, threonine -11 mg, aspartic acid 34 mg, cystine -1 mg, rapeseed oil, lecithin (obtained from soy raw materials), gelatin, glycerin , beeswax, caramel.


Data sheet

Weight /kg