EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/


ORIHIRO Palmetto with pumpkin seeds, ginseng, zinc (for 30 days)


Japanese dietary supplement with saw palmetto, ginseng and pumpkin seeds is specially created to support men's health and strength. It will fill your body with energy, and will also help to permanently postpone any disturbances in the body associated with age-related changes.

A dietary supplement from Japan is a unique combination of herbal ingredients that are necessary for the long-term maintenance of men's health. The absence of chemical additives and dyes makes the product safe and eliminates any contraindications to its use.


  EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/

Dietary supplements for men's health are based on the following components:

1. Saw palm extract. Supports sexual function, normalizes libido and prostate function, prevents the development of baldness. The component increases sexual activity, normalizes the level of testosterone in the blood.

2. Pumpkin seed extract. It saturates the body with a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, in particular, it contains a high concentration of zinc, which is necessary for maintaining male health. Pumpkin seeds normalize the production of androgenic hormones, help restore prostate function and reduce the risk of developing adenoma.

3. Ginseng extract powder. Tones the body, normalizes the central nervous system, reduces fatigue and increases stress resistance. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and strengthens the immune system. Ginseng fights erectile dysfunction, as it stimulates blood flow to the pelvic organs, normalizes testicular function and, consequently, sperm production.

4. Vitamin E. Prevents premature aging and muscle breakdown, reduces the risk of developing diseases of the genital area, in particular oncology of the prostate and bladder. Also, vitamin E reduces the risk of infertility, reduces the harmful effects of nicotine on the body.

5. Zinc. Supports potency, normalizes the reproductive sphere, stimulates full sperm production. It also reduces the risk of developing prostatitis.

6. Selenium. This is necessary to preserve the intimate health of a man. The component maintains the required level of sex hormones in the blood, normalizes reproductive abilities, and prevents the development of oncology.

Together, these components also have a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system, normalize the activity of the central nervous system, improve mood and increase the immune defense.

Composition of 2 capsules: saw palmetto extract 320 mg, pumpkin seed extract 100 mg, black ginger extract powder 10 mg, ginseng powder extract 10 mg, vitamin E 3.5 mg (56%), zinc 3.0 mg (34%), selenium 3 mcg. ...

Directions for use: 2 capsules a day with water. Course 3 months


Data sheet

Weight /kg