EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/


Orihiro Arginine and Zinc (for 30 days)


Arginine and Zinc from the manufacturer Orihiro is designed to strengthen the body and maintain its healthy state. The drug protects against negative environmental factors, restores energy, restores a sense of vigor and lightness. The supplement helps to cope with fatigue, and also has a positive effect on the functioning of vital organs, fights against multiple pathological conditions.

L-arginine. Provides a healthy nervous system and supports its functions. It is effective in the fight against senile dementia, helps relieve stress and depression, improves mood, increases brain activity and stimulates the ability to remember. The component normalizes cognitive functions, fights chronic fatigue, increases blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and regulates the work of the heart muscle. Arginine is essential for the normal functioning of the heart and the prevention of diseases, lowers blood pressure. The substance fights fatigue, restores energy and gives strength. Also, L-arginine is useful for women's health - it normalizes the menstrual cycle, reduces the likelihood of developing ovarian dysfunction, mastopathy, infertility.


  EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/

Composition and action

The main components of dietary supplements from Japan are arginine and zinc. The effectiveness of the drug is enhanced by additional vitamins and minerals. The composition contains the following substances:

1. L-arginine. Provides a healthy nervous system and supports its functions. Effective in the fight against senile dementia, helps to get rid of stress and depression, improves mood, increases brain activity and stimulates the ability to remember. The component normalizes cognitive functions, fights chronic fatigue, enhances blood circulation, strengthens vascular walls and regulates the work of the heart muscle. Arginine is essential for the normal functioning of the heart and the prevention of diseases, lowers blood pressure. The substance fights fatigue, restores energy and gives strength. Also, L-arginine has benefits for women's health - it normalizes the menstrual cycle, reduces the likelihood of developing ovarian dysfunction, mastopathy, infertility.

2. Zinc. It is the second main component of the supplement required to maintain bone strength. It increases resistance to damage, fractures, accelerates the restoration of the functions of the musculoskeletal system, and also prevents the development of inflammatory changes in the joints, rheumatism. Zinc is also essential for healthy hair. It prevents them from falling out, gives strength and elasticity, fights split ends. In addition, the component increases the energy potential and enhances the effect of other components of the dietary supplement.

3. L-citrulline. An irreplaceable amino acid that provides a surge of energy and strength. The component stimulates blood circulation in the muscles, increases their endurance, and increases efficiency. It also strengthens and tones the vascular walls.

4. Vitamin B1. Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, tones, fights the effects of stress. The component relieves fatigue, restores strength and energy. Vitamin B1 fights depression and neurological disorders, increases brain activity, increases the ability to remember.

5. Vitamin B2. Strengthens metabolic processes, increases stress resistance, ensures the preservation of youth and beauty of the skin.

6. Vitamin B6. Prevents the development of dermatological and neurological diseases, regulates lipid and protein metabolism. The component enhances blood circulation, fights muscle spasms and night cramps. Also, pyridoxine normalizes blood glucose levels and regulates the process of converting sugars into energy potential.

7. Selenium. It normalizes the function of the thyroid gland, strengthens the immune system and reduces the likelihood of developing cancerous pathologies. The substance accelerates the recovery from bacterial and viral infections, helps to cure asthma and infertility.

8. Chrome. The main function of this component is to regulate carbohydrate metabolism and normalize blood glucose levels. It also improves the functions of the cardiovascular system and prevents the development of multiple pathologies. Chromium fights fatigue, restores strength and improves vitality.

Ingredients: L-arginine: 1000 mg, L-citrulline 50 mg, vitamin B1: 8 mg, vitamin B2: 5 mg, vitamin B6 4.5 mg, zinc: 14.0 mg, selenium: 14 mg, chromium: 10 mg

Method of application: 4 tablets.В 


Data sheet

Weight /kg