EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/




Aminobody Diet speeds up the metabolism, promotes the burning of subcutaneous fat and helps to improve the condition of muscle tissue. Metabolism is normalized, the body becomes ideal in a short time.

The Aminobody Diet preparation is created for people who want not only to lose weight, but also to tighten their figure. The muscular relief becomes pronounced, the body takes on seductive shapes, which will delight a person, regardless of gender. The content of vitamins and amino acids in the composition provides the body's needs, allowing you to maintain a youthful body and excellent health. The supplement compensates for the lack of alanine and glutamine, which are consumed from the muscles during training, due to which muscle mass grows faster during active physical exertion. The acceleration of metabolism allows you to quickly burn accumulated fats and incoming carbohydrates.


  EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/

One third of human muscle mass consists of amino acids, which are necessary for its normal state. During active physical exertion, the body does not have enough of these substances, which is why it begins to take them from muscle tissue, destroying it. Aminobody Diet makes up for the lack of amino acids, so that destruction does not occur, and the desired result from training is achieved faster. To maintain the diet, the composition contains B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, pantothenic acid), which are actively involved in cellular metabolism. It is especially important to take the drug for people over 40 years old, since at this age the metabolism begins to slow down and the tendency to increase body weight increases. Regular intake of the Aminobody Diet allows you to achieve good results:

  • 1. The destruction of muscle tissue stops, along with this, the formation of new one occurs. The result from sports becomes more pronounced, the desired effect is noticeable faster.
  • 2. The burning of subcutaneous fat is significantly accelerated, allowing you to quickly get rid of extra pounds.
  • 3. Metabolism in the body improves, metabolism normalizes, contributing to weight loss and improving well-being.

The maximum effectiveness of taking Aminobody Diet is achieved when used correctly:

Before classes associated with increased physical activity. This will improve the condition of muscle mass and achieve the desired results.

During a meal, when the drug acts on the fats and carbohydrates entering the body and breaks them down, not allowing them to be deposited in the form of reserves.

Lack of any of the three essential amino acids (leucine, valine and isoleucine) leads to the gradual breakdown of muscle mass. Their intake with food does not always replenish the norm, which causes problems with the creation of a beautiful body. The unique composition allows you to achieve two results at once, which together give an amazing effect. Burning fat will reduce body weight, while building muscle and keeping it in good shape will create a beautiful definition that emphasizes every part of the body.

If you want to look attractive, it is not enough just to get rid of the hated kilograms, and when doing any kind of sport, it is necessary to designate muscle mass and prevent the destruction of the protein that creates it. In this case, regular use of the Aminobody Diet dietary supplement will allow you to achieve the desired in a short time and maintain the body condition at the desired level for a long time.

Composition (12 tablets): vitamin B1 0.9 mg, vitamin B2 1.1 mg, vitamin B6 0.9 mg, pantothenic acid 5 mg, arginine 310 mg, lysine 158 mg, histidine 49 mg, phenylalanine 97 mg, tyrosine 69 mg, leucine 223 mg, isoleucine 122 mg, methionine 72 mg, valine 123 mg, alanine 114 mg, glycine 79 mg, proline 135 mg, glutamine and glutamic acid 378 mg, serine 98 mg, threonine 71 mg, aspartic acid and asparagine 222 mg, tryptophan 26 mg, cystine 24 mg.

Method of application: 4 tablets 3 times a day in the morning. Exercise 12 tablets before workout.


Data sheet

Weight /kg