EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/


SOY ISOFLAVONES help relieve menopause symptoms (for 30 days)


is a Japanese health and beauty supplement formulated for women over 40.Japanese company ORIHIRO has developed Equol-based drug. Taking the drug helps to reduce the frequency of hot flashes, prevents bone loss, the formation of osteoporosis.
In women with normo- and hypercholesterolemia after menopause, equol gives the greatest hypocholesterolemic effect.
In addition to equol, the composition includes fermented ginseng. Plant root contains vitamins A, E, F, group B, tanning
substances, folic and nicotinic acid, pectins, essential oils, minerals, resins. Consuming ginseng helps
lowering cholesterol to the required norm, thereby reducing the risk of developing a heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases.
Strengthens the immune system, normalizes unstable emotional background. Ginseng gives a great boost of energy and positive
mood, relieves stress and prevents development depression.


  EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/

Elixir of youth and beauty for women after 40 years.

Orihiro Fermented Soy Isoflavones is a Japanese health and beauty supplement formulated for women over 40. The vitamin and mineral complex included in the composition not only gives the skin a healthy shine and radiance, but also improves the functional activity of internal organs. It speeds up the course of thought processes, restores blood circulation, and improves the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

Composition and action on the body:

The main component of the Japanese vitamin is equol, an estrogen derived from soybeans that is converted to soy isoflavones using the latest technological processes. Japanese women call this component "the elixir of eternal youth" due to the complex of beneficial properties:

  • Removal of substances potentially hazardous to the body (including undigested fats).
  • Removing cholesterol, improving blood circulation, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and heart muscle.
  • Acceleration of metabolism and improvement of gastrointestinal motility.
  • Reducing the level of anxiety, fear, fighting depression.
  • Increased concentration of attention, acceleration of thought processes.
  • Fight fatigue and constant sleepiness.
  • Improving the flow of the menstrual cycle.
  • Improve vision clarity and relieve stress.
  • Reduces menopausal symptoms.

Also, the composition of the Japanese product contains the following components:

Soy isoflavone aglycone - prevents cancer, has antibacterial properties, destroys pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The substance improves the course of the climacteric period, normalizes the level of blood pressure and cholesterol in the blood, and stimulates the regeneration of skin cells.

Fermented red ginseng extract - prevents the development of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the vascular system, increases the body's immune defenses, and regulates blood pressure. It is a great energy tonic.

Vitamin B12 is essential for normal brain function. It has a positive effect on the central nervous system, reduces anxiety, prevents the effects of stress, improves mood and tones the nervous system. The component increases concentration and resistance of the body to prolonged physical exertion. It is often used to restore strength in the postoperative period.

Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin that aids in calcium absorption.

Glucose - saturates the brain with energy and improves concentration.

Cyclodextrin - increases the duration of taking a dietary supplement from Japan, improves cerebral circulation and enhances immunity.

Calcium - strengthens tooth enamel, bone and muscle tissue, prevents hair and eyelash loss, strengthens the nail plate.

Application: 1 capsule daily after meals. Recommended for use in the morning.

Composition (1 capsule): fermented soy isoflavone extract (equol) 30 mg, soy isoflavone aglycone 15 mg, fermented red ginseng extract 15 mg, calcium 23 mg, iron 5 mg, vitamin B12 2 mg, vitamin D3 3 Ојg, folic acid 120 mcg.


Data sheet

Weight /kg