EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/


Orihiro Natto Kinase 4000 with Omega-3 (DHA, EPA, DPA), Rutin and Vitamin P


The Japanese Orihiro Nattokinase complex has a pronounced therapeutic effect. It has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels, protecting in the future from the development of serious diseases.

Due to age-related changes and constant exposure to stress, many are faced with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Daily headaches, surges in blood pressure, and chest pain interfere with an active lifestyle.

The situation can be corrected by a unique Japanese dietary supplement, which is based on Orihiro nattokinase Natto Kinase 4000. This is a drug that works simultaneously in several directions. It will help prevent cardiovascular disease and blood clots.


  EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/

Composition and effectiveness
The presented Japanese vitamin is based on carefully selected ingredients. They are absolutely safe for human health and do not cause side effects. Food
supplement from Japan included:
nattokinase. This enzyme lowers the viscosity of the blood and thereby prevents the development of many cardiovascular diseases, reduces the risk of blood clots. It has a positive effect on the entire body, increases endurance, supplies cells with useful substances, and maintains the health of the heart muscle. Nattokinase promotes the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body, neutralizes the activity of cancer cells and strengthens bone tissue. Improves the condition of blood vessels. It also has antibacterial and disinfectant properties.

  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (DHA, EPA, DPA).
  • Fatty acids are needed by the body on a daily basis:
  • - protection of the heart and blood vessels
  • - reducing the risk of strokes
  • - support of the brain and memory, prevention of atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis
  • - indicated for diabetes mellitus
  • - support of tissues of joints and ligaments, with osteoporosis and injuries
  • - blood thinning, prevention of high cholesterol
  • - protection of the body against inflammatory processes
  • - support of the immune system
  • - support of vision, nutrition of the retina
  • - support for body tissues, skin and hair
  • - during pregnancy and lactation
  • - with depression and psychological / stressful loads

Hesperidin. Improves blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure. Helps fight hypertension.
Rutin. This component is effective against diseases such as atherosclerosis and thrombosis, which often concern the elderly. Rutin prolongs a person's active life.
Vitamin E. It is a natural antioxidant that helps to keep the body youthful for years to come. It has a positive effect on the structure of cells, improves the condition of blood vessels, and maintains the normal functioning of the heart muscle. Vitamin E also prolongs the youthfulness of the skin, fights wrinkles and sagging.
Lecithin. Stimulates brain activity, increases concentration and attention. Lecithin is involved in fat metabolism, helps to lose weight.
Japanese Orihiro Nattokinase complex has a pronounced therapeutic effect. It has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels, protecting it from the development of serious diseases in the future.
Composition (2 tablets): bean extract of natto culture 200 mg (nattokinase with activity 4000FU), DHA 85 mg, EPA 9 mg, DPA 2 mg, rutin 8 mg, hesperidin 4 mg,
lecithin 10 mg, vitamin E 5.0 mg (79%). )
Directions for use: 2 tablets daily with water.


Data sheet

Weight /kg