EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/


ORIHIRO against bad breath (for 30 days)


Шампиньон - это гриб, принадлежащий к роду Agaricus семейства Agaricaceae, который популярен в Японии как гриб. Это материал, который привлекает внимание своей кишечной регуляцией и устраняет неприятный запах изо рта и запах тела, вызванные ухудшением кишечной среды.

What is bad breath, body odor due to deterioration of the intestinal environment. When

harmful bacteria grow and ferment in the intestines due to unbalanced nutrition or stress, and bad breath is formed. The intestinal wall is said to absorb this gas, causing bad breath and body odor.

Contains refreshing ingredients such as parsley seed oil and peppermint oil.

Organic compounds such as pinene and apiol, which are aromatic components of parsley, have an odor suppressing effect by inhibiting the growth of microbes in the mouth. In addition, pinene is believed to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestines. Peppermint oil is a perennial plant belonging to the Mentha genus of the Labiatae family and is a type of herb also called mint in Japan. Menthol, the main flavoring component, is an essential oil component characterized by a unique mint scent and strong refreshing sensation, and is also known for its strong antibacterial action.

30 capsules for 30 days.


  EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/

This product is a soft capsule containing mushroom extract powder to prevent odor from the inside and parsley seed oil / peppermint oil to prevent instant odor. The smooth and transparent scent refreshes your mood from unpleasant odors, so you can use it as a counter-odor treatment after age-related odors and alcohol / garlic dishes.

Ingredients: Champignon extract powder 50 mg, parsley seed oil 20 mg, peppermint oil 45 mg


Data sheet

Weight /kg