EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/


Orihiro Aojiru Organic Green Juice ( for 30 days)


Orihiro's product combines the potency of the juices of 6 healthy plants. Green juice has a high content of vitamins and minerals, due to which it has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems: immune, nervous, digestive, cardiovascular. The drug rejuvenates the skin, promotes the disappearance of fats and preserves muscle mass, prevents early graying and hair loss, and takes care of the speed of nail growth. The juice is very rich in carotenoids, therefore it quickly restores both the retina and the skin after sunburn, and restores vision. Aojiru juice has antioxidant, antiseptic and anticancer properties, binds and removes from the body protein breakdown products, toxins, toxins, heavy metal salts, restores liver and pancreatic cells, and promotes early wound healing.

Due to the high fiber content, the complex reduces appetite, slows down the absorption of saturated fats into the intestines, thanks to chlorophyll, it saturates the body with oxygen and raises the energy tone


  EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/

ORIHIRO Aojiru Green Juice for health at any age
Aojiru green juice completely compensates for the lack of vitamins. Allows you to maintain excellent health and well-being, assists in losing weight.
Aojiru green juice is obtained from barley leaves. It is fully capable of replacing vitamin complexes, since it contains a huge number of components necessary for the full functioning of the body. This drug is made in Japan, where almost everyone takes it, making life expectancy in this country higher than in the rest. Aojiru has a beneficial effect on absolutely the entire human body: it improves the condition of the skin, gives hair strength and shine, nails become strong and grow quickly, and you can forget about problems with joints. The advantages of this drink are that it can be taken not only by adults, but also by children, ensuring the full growth and development of the younger generation.
Aojiru contains 6 types of plants, each of which has an impact on the state of health. Their effectiveness is as follows:
The metabolism is normalized. This is important for people who are overweight or underweight. Regardless of the problem, the weight will return to normal after a short intake.
Digestion improves, stool problems, heaviness and bloating after eating, nausea disappear. Appetite is normalized.
The body's defenses are improving. Thanks to the increased immunity, many diseases can be avoided, seasonal epidemics will pass by.
The risk of oncological diseases is significantly reduced with regular intake of this drink.
Aojiru green juice is especially useful for people suffering from high blood pressure. Its reception normalizes the indicators and allows you to forget about hypertension for a long time. The same applies to cholesterol levels, which have a negative impact on health. The drink helps to reduce it and keep it within acceptable values. Among the many vitamins and trace elements that are contained in this drink, the following can be especially highlighted:
Vitamins of group B. They improve metabolism, normalize the functioning of the nervous system. In addition, regular intake of these vitamins improves brain activity.
Vitamin C boosts immunity and prevents frequent recurrence of colds.
Vitamin K ensures blood clotting and normalizes liver function.
Carotenoids. They are especially abundant in Aojiru green juice, they prevent the occurrence of vision problems and contribute to the normal state of mucous membranes and skin.
The pleasant taste of the drink allows even children to drink it without resorting to various tricks. If desired, it can be diluted with cold water, milk or juice.
A huge amount of trace elements, vitamins and amino acids contribute to good health and longevity. Regular use of Aojiru allows you to forget about diseases and feel great at any age, regardless of the season.
Method of application: 1 sachet once a day, diluted in water, juice, milk.
Cannot be diluted with boiling water or added to tea. High temperatures reduce the nutritional value of aojiru. Water (milk) should be cold or slightly warm. You can add honey, jam, or sugar.
Ingredients: young shoots of barley, kale, molochea cabbage, mulberry leaves, young shoots of bead, matcha.

In general terms, the juices of the components have their own unique properties:

  • • Extra kt tea - is extremely rich in antioxidants, as well as caffeine and tannin, therefore it has a very pronounced rejuvenating and tonic effect;
  • • Long-fruit jute extract - contains glycosides - stimulants of the heart muscle;
  • • Mulberry leaf extract - known as a good remedy for the treatment of diabetes, has a strong regenerative and antiseptic effect;
  • • Barley leaf juice extract is the best source of vitamins A and C, fiber, therefore it is especially useful for treating eyesight, skin and intestinal diseases, obesity, improving immunity;
  • • Cabbage juice extract - very rich in vitamins K and U, therefore heals internal bleeding and tissue damage, including stomach ulcers and gastritis, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • • Wakaba wheat leaf juice extract - has a particularly rich composition of vitamins, has strong detoxifying properties, is useful in the treatment of skin diseases.

All plants were grown without the use of chemical fertilizers and were marked with the JAS organic label.

Ingredients: dry barley juice extract, tea extract, starch hydrolyzate, long-fruit jute juice concentrate, mulberry leaf juice concentrate, barley leaf juice concentrate, cabbage juice concentrate, wakaba wheat leaf juice concentrate.

How to use: Stir the contents of 1 sachet in a glass of warm water, drink with breakfast.


Data sheet

Weight /kg

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