EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/


Chondroitin Glucosamine Hyaluronic Acid (for 30 days)


Japanese dietary supplement for the prevention and complex treatment of the musculoskeletal system, maintaining the health of bones, joints and muscles.
- Hyaluronic acid with an easily assimilated low molecular weight structure - chondroprotector, an important element of the joint and inter-articular fluid.
- Chondroitin and glucosamine of high purity and of the highest quality, produced according to the original technology, which ensures the maximum purity of the product and its solubility in water.
Glucosamine and chondroitin take part in the biosynthesis of connective tissue, helping to prevent the destruction of cartilage and stimulating tissue regeneration.
To enhance its effectiveness, the complex also contains: collagen peptide (fish), type II collagen, proteoglycan, Kiransou extract (muscle / bone grass), soybean germ extract, amino acids, hesperidin, vitamin D, vitamin K, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium , zinc.
• Helps to strengthen the structure of ligaments, cartilage, increase the elasticity of muscle tissue, smooth muscles of the vascular system.
• Provides nutritional support to joints and connective tissue, accelerates regeneration processes.
• Prevents the gradual destruction of cartilaginous tissue and promotes its restoration.
• Reduces pain and inflammation.


  EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/

Method of application: the recommended daily dosage is 9 tablets. Divide into several receptions, wash down with water.

Contents (9 tablets): glucosamine 1500 mg, shark cartilage extract (containing 70% chondroitin sulfate) 200 mg, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid 10 mg, fish collagen peptide 100 mg, chicken cartilage extract (containing type II collagen) 20 mg, salmon nasal cartilage extract (proteoglycan) 1000 mcg, bone grass extract powder 10 mg, drinaria rhizome extract 10 mg, soy germ extract 5 mg (soy isoflavone aglycone 1.3 mg), valine 50 mg, leucine 100 mg, isoleucine 50 mg, chicken extract (containing imidazole dipeptide ) 15 mg, hesperidium 1.5 mg, vitamin B1 3 mg, vitamin B6 3 mg, vitamin D 2.5 Ојg, calcium 30 mg, magnesium 15 mg, zinc 1 mg.

Composition (raw material): shark cartilage extract, collagen peptide (including gelatin), chicken cartilage extract, chicken meat extract, bone grass extract powder, drinaria rhizome extract powder, zinc yeast, soybean germ extract, salmon nasal cartilage extract, glucosamine (obtained from shrimp and crabs), crystalline cellulose, leucine, sucrose and fatty acid ester, shellfish calcium, valine, isoleucine, magnesium oxide, silicon dioxide, hyaluronic acid, hesperidium, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin D.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components in the composition, pregnancy, lactation, childhood.


Data sheet

Weight /kg