EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/




The benefits of using squalene:
• inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors
• reduces side effects of radio-chemotherapy
• against radiation radiation
• antioxidant effect, body cleansing
• from toxic substances (removal of mercury from the body)
• prevents the development of diabetes
• inhibits the development of atherosclerosis
• normalizes blood pressure
• in case of heart disease, reduces the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes, with arrhythmias
• relief of arthritis pain
• for chronic syndromes of fatigue, fibromyalgia
• protects against respiratory tract infections
• strengthening the immune system
• against hay fever, sinusitis,
• other allergic diseases.
• lowering blood cholesterol
• against various fungal and bacterial infections
• for quick wound healing
• irreplaceable in the complex treatment of eczema, psoriasis
• improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails
• improves vision


  EMS Japan

/4-7 days - North America/2-7 - days Asia/3-10 - days Europe/

Effective and unique in its action on the body, Squalene is produced on the basis of shark liver oil. The advantage of Squalene is that it contains the unique substance Alkylglycerol (AKG). Squalene (SQUALENE), which stimulates the functions of the immune system and has a pronounced antitumor effect, blocks the formation of blood vessels (angiogenesis occurs) that feed the tumors, thus starving them leads to the disappearance of the tumor. Squalene is used to treat benign tumor processes and precancerous conditions (including cervical erosion, mastopathy, fibroids). More than 70 years of research in Japan, New Zealand and Europe have shown unforgettable results. For example, scientists have found that if squalene is given to radiation-affected patients, the effects of radiation on white blood cell counts are reduced. Squalene reduces dangerous formations in white blood cells (leukopenia), which has an overall healing effect. Squalene is also recommended for patients receiving radiation and chemotherapy.
Squalene (SQUALENE) is a unique antioxidant. It is also a natural antiviral, bactericidal and fungicidal preparation. Squalene is effective as a means of combating fungal and bacterial infections. This unique preparation promotes wound healing. Squalene is necessary for people (often ill children, the elderly, etc.) suffering from frequent infectious chronic diseases, prone to chronic intoxication (smoking, alcohol, etc.), it is also recommended after severe illness or surgery, with heavy physical exertion, long-term stress. Squalene is recommended for all people suffering from decreased immunity, as well as immune-dependent diseases - asthma, allergies, psoriasis, arthritis, AIDS.
Due to polyunsaturated fatty acids, squalene prevents the development of diabetes mellitus, inhibits the development of atherosclerosis, normalizes blood pressure, reduces angina pectoris, and, therefore, reduces the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes, normalizes metabolic processes in women during pregnancy.
SQUALENE also has strong plastic properties. Maintains the silkiness and elasticity of the skin, smoothes wrinkles. Increases the skin's resistance to ionizing and ultraviolet radiation, has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.
Shark liver oil, on the basis of which squalene is created, is unique in its composition, it is the best supplier of vitamins A, E, D, which improve vision, condition of the skin, hair, nails, strengthen blood vessels and bone tissue, and reduce blood cholesterol levels. Squalene is indispensable in the complex treatment of eczema and psoriasis.


Data sheet

Weight /kg